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  • Presented by
  • Myra
  • Get wholesale pricing
  • Save with a MyShop discount!
  • Free shipping on orders from 125€ or more. Consult shipping conditions.

For Preferred Customers

Not a Preferred Customer? Get Details on MyShop for Affiliates.

Share your favorite products with your MyShop link. Your customers pay wholesale pricing—that's 20% in savings!

On your MyShop site, your friends and family can purchase their favorite products, and we'll fulfill and ship their orders.

Earn a 25% MyShop Reward on purchases made on your site. MyShop Rewards = savings on future product orders.**

Sharing is caring, and oh so worth it!

You shared your discount and now it’s turn to reap the Rewards. With MyShop, you earn savings of 25% on every Life Point (LP) that moves through your site. Rewards are automatically applied at checkout on your next 4Life order and can be used to pay up to 50% off the wholesale product price.*

Visit your MyShop

Get rewarded

Example: You have 80€ in MyShop Rewards. The wholesale total of your order is 100€. You can use 50€ of your MyShop Rewards toward that order (50% of 100€ is 50€), leaving you with 30€ in MyShop Rewards to be applied toward future orders.

MyShop Rewards in action

Sharing never felt so rewarding. Forget entering a discount code at checkout; we make savings seamless. With MyShop, your Rewards are saved and applied for you. Plus, there is no max amount of Rewards you can earn, and they never expire.

Custom carts

Have a few product suggestions in mind? We make sharing easy! Create a custom shopping cart with product recommendations and share it with your friends and family. All that's left for them to do is check out!

Are you ready to get rewarded?


  • How are MyShop Rewards for Preferred Customers applied?
    MyShop Rewards are added to your account the day after a purchase on your MyShop site occurs and are automatically applied at checkout on your next 4Life order. Preferred Customers can redeem MyShop Rewards of up to 50% of the wholesale price (before any Instant Discount is applied) of the order.

    Example: I have 75€ in MyShop Rewards. The wholesale total of my order is 100€. I can use 50€ of my 75€ MyShop Rewards toward that order (50% of 100€ is 50€).*
  • Can MyShop Rewards be used on Loyalty Program orders?
    Yes. Your MyShop Rewards will automatically be applied to any order—including your Loyalty Program order.
  • Can I transfer or share MyShop Rewards with another person?
    No. MyShop Rewards are non-transferrable.
  • Do MyShop Rewards expire?
    No. MyShop Rewards never expire or decrease in value as long as the Preferred Customer has an active account.
  • Is there a maximum amount of MyShop Rewards I can earn?
    No. There is no maximum limit on MyShop Rewards.
  • Can people access free shipping on my MyShop site?
    Yes. Orders of 125€ or more are eligible for free shipping.*
  • What happens if I share my discount with someone and they sign up as a Preferred Customer?
    If someone uses your MyShop site and signs up as a Preferred Customer, you’re automatically converted to Affiliate status. If you do not want to become an Affiliate, you can turn off the “Allow signup” option from your MyShop site on your Dashboard.
  • If I have a 4Life sponsor (an Affiliate who enrolled me as a Preferred Customer), can new Preferred Customer signups be deferred to my sponsor?
    Yes. To do this, go into your MyShop settings and change the enroller and sponsor ID to your upline's number. This will allow you to maintain your MyShop Rewards in the form of savings.
  • What happens to my existing (Preferred Customer) MyShop Rewards when I become an Affiliate?
    Your (Preferred Customer) MyShop Rewards will remain as MyShop Rewards even after you become an Affiliate. Those MyShop Rewards will still automatically be applied to your future orders as a discount until they have all been used. Once an Affiliate, you will no longer earn Preferred Customer MyShop Rewards; rather, you will earn the 25% MyShop Commission on all MyShop orders.**
  • Do I earn a Rapid Reward when I sign someone up and become an Affiliate?
    Yes. With Rapid Rewards, you earn a 25% commission on all LP orders your personally enrolled Preferred Customers place in their first three months.
Felhasználási Feltételek (Kiemelt Ügyfeleink)
  • 1. A MyShop Jutalmak (MyShop Rewards) a Kiemelt Ügyfeleink belső egyenlegéhez adódnak pár nappal a MyShop oldalon keresztül leadott vásárlásokat követően.
  • 2.A MyShop Jutalmak (MyShop Rewards) bármelyik rendelés esetén (így a Loyalty Program vásárláskor is) automatikusan kerülnek beszámításra.
  • 3. Kiemelt Ügyfeleink a rendelésük (Instant Discount hozzáadása előtti) nagykereskedelmi árának maximum 50%-áig beszámíthatják MyShop Jutalmaikat. *
  • 4. A MyShop Jutalmak (MyShop Rewards) nem átruházhatók.
  • 5. A MyShop Jutalmak (MyShop Rewards) nem rendelkeznek lejárati idővel, nem veszítenek értékükből, és nincs maximális felhalmozási összeg.
  • 6. A követelményeknek megfelelő, a MyShop oldalon keresztül leadott rendelésekre érvényes az ingyenes szállítási opció. **
  • 7. Ha valaki Kiemelt Ügyfélként regisztrál egy meglévő Kiemelt Ügyfél MyShop webhelyén, a MyShop tulajdonosa Associate státuszt kap. Az új Associate 25%-nyi Gyors Jutalmakat (Rapid Rewards) szerez ezen regisztráció után és 25% jutalékban részesül minden jövőbeli, a saját MyShop oldalán történő vásárlás után.
  • 8. A Kiemelt Ügyfelek átadhatják a saját MyShop oldalukon történt regisztrációt a Szponzoruknak. Ennek eredményeként továbbra is megkapják a MyShop Jutalmakat (jövőbeli rendelések utáni kedvezményeiket), a Szponzor pedig megkaphatja Kiemelt Ügyfél későbbi rendelései után képződő jutalékokat.


* Önnek az adott hónapban teljesítenie kell a 100 PV követelményt.

** Az ingyenes szállítás lehetősége nem minden piacon érhető el.

*For more information about our shipping rates, please see the Shipping Page **Must meet the 100 PV requirement in the current month to be eligible for MyShop Rewards.